1st European Summer School

We are happy to announce the 1st European Summer School «Culture & Technology» to take place at the University of Leipzig, Germany, July 27-31, 2009


Funded by the University of Leipzig, the Volkswagen Foundation and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC), the Summer School is directed at an international audience. Students in their final year, graduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, postdocs, teachers, librarians and technical assistants from all over Europe who are involved in the theoretical, experimental or practical application of computational methods in the various areas of the Humanities, in libraries and archives, or wish to do so are the target audience of the courses.

The Summer School will offer Humanities students in particular the possibility to gain practical knowledge of the application of computational methods to the digitalisation, description, analysis and production of humanities contents and artefacts (languages, texts, images, etc.), to discuss related theoretical questions and to forge new perspectives on the study and preservation of languages, cultures and cultural memory and the translation between cultures.
The Summer School addresses also expressively engineers and computer scientist who accept the challenge represented by the Arts and Humanities, who wish to obtain an insight into the application of, and work with, computational methods in the Humanities, and who wish to familiarise themselves with the special demands put on the soft- and hardware systems they develop by arts and humanities-related data.

The Summer School takes place across a whole week. The intensive programme consists of workshops, lectures and project presentations. The Summer School will close with a round table discussion on the challenges presented by technological developments and by the integration of the Humanities and ICTs.

Each workshop consists of a total of 15 sessions or 30 week-hours. The number of participants in each workshop is limited to 15. Applications for a place in a specific workshop are made on the Portal of the Summer School.

Preference will be given to young scholars of the Humanities who are planning, or are already involved with, a technology-based research project and describe this project in a qualified way. Young scholars of Engineering and Computer Sciences are expected to describe their specialities and interests in such a way that also non specialists can follow and that they support their expectations from the Summer School with good arguments.

Thanks to the generous support granted by the Volkswagen Foundation to the Summer School, participants who have no possibility of applying for a refund from another institution can apply for a contribution to their travel and accommodation costs.

Important dates
For planning reasons we ask everyone who is interested in the Summer School to express her or his interest asap by setting up a personal account with ConfTool. ConfTool is accessible from the portal of the Summer School. See under «registration».

People who would like to stay in one of the guest houses of the university are kindly asked to contact the organisers straight away.

Last day for the submission of the application for the Summer School via ConfTool

(Fuente: Linguist List)

Linguamática. Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas

Web: http://www.linguamatica.com

Número 1:

Apertium: traducció automàtica de codi obert per a les llengües romàniques
– Mikel L. Forcada

Caminhos percorridos no mapa da portuguesificação: A Linguateca em perspectiva
– Diana Santos

Artículos de investigación
Anotación morfosintáctica do Corpus Técnico do Galego
– Xavier Gómez Guinovart, Susana López Fernández

Reconhecimento de Informações Comuns para a Fusão de Sentenças
Comparáveis do Português
– Eloize Rossi Marques Seno, Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes

Extracção de Informação de Relatórios Médicos
– Liliana da Silva Ferreira, César Telmo Oliveira, António Joaquim da Silva Teixeira, João Paulo da Silva Cunha

Nuevas perspectivas
Conceitos, classes e/ou universais: com o que é que se constrói uma ontologia?
– Patrícia Cunha França

Verificación ortográfica de formas verbais e secuencias de pronomes enclíticos en lingua galega
– Miguel Anxo Solla Portela

Ecole thématique du CNRS « Méthodes Informatiques et Statistiques en Analyse de Textes » (MISAT)

Chers collègues,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que l’Ecole thématique du CNRS « Méthodes Informatiques et Statistiques en Analyse de Textes » (MISAT) aura lieu du 14 au 19 Juin 2009 à Besançon. Cette école est destinée à toutes les personnes désireuses d’acquérir ou de perfectionner des compétences en vue de la constitution et de l’analyse de corpus de textes dans le cadre de recherches pluridisciplinaires, notamment en
analyse du discours : chercheurs confirmés, jeunes chercheurs, post-doctorants et doctorants, étudiants de Master2 s’orientant vers une thèse, ingénieurs, archivistes, documentalistes, professionnels de diverses branches. Elle est organisée par le pôle Archive, Bases, Corpus de la MSHE de Franche-Comté et par l’UMR Bases Corpus Langages CNRS-UNSA MSH de Nice, et bénéficie de la participation d’une quinzaine de formateurs, tous spécialistes reconnus, membres notamment du réseau JADT.
Nous vous invitons à diffuser cette information très largement autour de vous, sans barrières disciplinaires. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes et une première sélection de candidatures aura lieu à partir du 10 Avril, première date-limite de dépôt.
Toutes les informations utiles se trouvent sur le site de l’Ecole MISAT http://laseldi.univ-fcomte.fr/ecole/
Contacter jmviprey@univ-fcomte.fr .

L’Ecole MISAT est soutenue par la Délégation Centre-Est du CNRS.

Pour le Comité d’Organisation,
Driss Ablali, Université de Franche-Comté, LASELDI

Fuente: The Linguist List