Current Evolutions of Romance Tenses

Lugar y fechas: 18-Dic-2009 – 19-Dic-2009.  Birmingham (Reino Unido)
Persona y correo de contacto: Emmanuelle Labeau,
Web Site:

Les formes verbales d’une langue sont traditionnellement présentées comme éléments d’un système aspecto-temporo-modal stable où chaque tiroir remplit des fonctions spécifiques et discriminantes. Eppur si muove?: les pratiques discursives révèlent une réalité plus fluide et une « synchronie dynamique ».
Le but du présent colloque est de décrire et d’analyser les changements actuellement en cours, et les lieux où les pratiques discursives actuelles s’avèrent susceptibles de faire évoluer les systèmes verbaux des langues romanes, ainsi que d’évaluer les facteurs déclencheurs du changement.
Les organisateurs espèrent que la rencontre sera le point de départ pour un réseau international de recherche sur les sujets abordés.

Call for Papers (15/09/2009)

Language: English, French or any major Romance language

Proposal: Anomymous abstract of maximum 400 words sent (via email) as an attachment (word document) to an email message containing the author’s name and affiliation and the title

Email: return submissions to

(Fuente: The Linguist List)

Romance Linguistics 2007. Selected papers from the 37th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Pittsburgh, 15-18 March 2007

Índice y precios en la web

The present volume includes a selection of twenty-one peer-reviewed and revised papers from the 37th annual Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) held at the University of Pittsburgh in 2007. The papers cover a range of topics in morphology, syntax, phonology and language acquisition. A number of languages and varieties are also analyzed, including Italian, Spanish, Judeo-Spanish, Old Spanish, French, Old French, and Romanian. Contributions include papers from three of the invited speakers, Heles Contreras, Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach and Julia Herschensohn. This volume highlights theoretical issues under current debate in Romance linguistics.

(Fuente: The Linguist List)

VII Escuela Internacional de Verano de Terminologia

VII Escuela Internacional de Verano de Terminología
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Del 6 al 10 de julio de 2009

La Escuela se celebra cada dos años, desde 1997. Es una buena oportunidad de encuentro de jóvenes interesados en esta materia, tanto para los orientados a la investigación como para los que colaboran en proyectos terminográficos. Este año se ha renovado la estructura y los contenidos para acercarla cada vez más a planteamientos de aprendizaje como los que predominan en el EEES.  Se cuenta con una oferta de becas patrocinadas por RITERM, AETER y SCATERM.

Más información en

(Fuente: Infoling)

Convocatoria para la presentación de artículos: Revista Argentina de Historiografía Lingüística

Convocatoria de artículos

Está abierta la convocatoria de artículos para el número 2 (noviembre 2009) de la  Revista Argentina de Historiografía Lingüística.

La fecha límite para la presentación de originales es el 31 de julio de 2009.

La información para autores se encuentra disponible en .

Guillermo Toscano y García <>
Ángel Maldonado <>

(Fuente: Infoling)

Linguamática. Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas


Número 1:

Apertium: traducció automàtica de codi obert per a les llengües romàniques
– Mikel L. Forcada

Caminhos percorridos no mapa da portuguesificação: A Linguateca em perspectiva
– Diana Santos

Artículos de investigación
Anotación morfosintáctica do Corpus Técnico do Galego
– Xavier Gómez Guinovart, Susana López Fernández

Reconhecimento de Informações Comuns para a Fusão de Sentenças
Comparáveis do Português
– Eloize Rossi Marques Seno, Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes

Extracção de Informação de Relatórios Médicos
– Liliana da Silva Ferreira, César Telmo Oliveira, António Joaquim da Silva Teixeira, João Paulo da Silva Cunha

Nuevas perspectivas
Conceitos, classes e/ou universais: com o que é que se constrói uma ontologia?
– Patrícia Cunha França

Verificación ortográfica de formas verbais e secuencias de pronomes enclíticos en lingua galega
– Miguel Anxo Solla Portela

Grandes romanistas (un elenco en alemán)

En un buen artículo de la Wikipedia, bajo la voz «Romanistik» se encontrará un listado de romanistas ilustres, tal como sigue:

Sería una tarea interesante para todos disponer en línea de un listado como el anterior con fichas en español y relativas, sobre todo, al área iberorrománica.

Bibliotecas digitales

¡Ponga sus enlaces en la sección de comentarios para completar esta lista!

– Biblioteca Digital Hispánica:

– Biblioteca Digitale Italiana:

– Biblioteca Nacional Digital (Portugal):

– Europeana:

– Gallica:

– World Digital Library (UNESCO):

Utrecht Summer School 2009

Fechas 15-31 agosto 2009
Lugar: Utrecht, Netherlands

During the last two weeks of August 2009, UiL OTS (Utrecht University) organizes six courses, directed at students interested in languages, linguistics and related fields.

The courses are organizationally embedded in the Utrecht Summer School 2009.

– Introduction to Generative Syntax
– Statistics for Experimental Linguists
– Micro & Macro Variation in Language
– Psycholinguistics
– Bilingualism
– Evolution of Language

For a program overview and information on registration, lodging and social program, please check the Summer School website at:

Deadline for registration is 31 May 2009.

(fuente: Linguist List)

LINEE, New Challenges for Multilingualism in Europe

Fechas: 11-Apr-2010 – 15-Apr-2010
Lugar: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Página web:

The conference is intended to bring together academics representing a range of disciplines in humanities and social sciences, practitioners and EU/national policy makers, concerned with multilingualism and linguistic diversity in Europe. Proposals are invited for original and previously unpublished research papers that broadly fall within the following themes and topics:

A. Language, Culture and Identity:
Within the context of ongoing glocalisation, the emergence of multiple identities compels to redefine the role of languages and lingua francas as
identity markers, and as factors contributing to the distinctiveness of culture-specific environments. The overall objective of this thematic block is to clarify the saliency of language as an identity marker in the EU. This points to the role of language in identity formation processes, the existence of language-based multiple identities, and the significance of language as part of well-being of their speakers, and primary symbol of possible secondary cultural, economical, political and other non-linguistic motives.

B. Language Policy and Planning:
This thematic bloc is addressed to researchers interested not only on the institutional, intrinsic and professional process-oriented dimension, but also to those concerned with an often unnoticed, implicit or unintended language policy and language planning processes. A consensus on the demarcation between such concepts as «language policy», «language planning» and related concepts («aménagement linguistique», «language politics») will be discussed. The issues to examine concern the adequacy of the existing language policy and language planning efforts in the EU countries, identifying possible discrepancies between theory and practice.

C. Multilingualism and Education:
The main issue to be tackled concerns the challenge of becoming not only multilingual, but multicompetent in a multilingual environment and the ways of developing the capacity to behave in a flexible and adequate manner in concrete multilingual contexts. The two main fields in which these questions can be answered, are in general a) Second Language Acquisition, including all forms of  language acquisition apart from first language acquisition, from contact languages present in the territory to school learning of truly foreign languages) and b) bilingual Education (including concurrent learning of several  languages).

D. Language and Economy:
This topic is focused on the interplay between and economy and their impact on the building of a knowledge-based society. The focus will be on the relationship between language, geographical mobility and New Economy growth patterns. If we conceive of the economic order as a determining force in society, and if we take into account that economy cannot do without language, then it follows that economy has profound implications for language (its use and status, the emergence of lingua francas) in society. This is all the more true as economy itself has shifted from industrial age to a knowledge economy.

The abstract submission deadline for individual papers is October 1, 2009. Further details regarding abstract submission and registration are available on the conference website:

(Fuente: The Linguist List)