Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology

Fechas: 23-Sep-2010 – 25-Sep-2010
Lugar: Provo, Utah, USA
Web Site:

The bi-annual conference on Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology (LARP), formerly Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology, draws researchers from several countries in North and South American, the Middle-East and Europe whose research focuses on the experimental investigation of articulation, acoustics, speech perception, language acquisition, and pathology. The fifth LARP, held in Provo, Utah, focuses on all Romance languages.

Plenary Speakers:
MariaPaola D’Imperio
Laboratoire Parole et Langage
University of Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France

Timothy L. Face
University of Minnesota, USA

Joaquim Llisterri
Grup de Fonètica
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Call for Papers

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations on any area of Romance phonology from an experimental perspective. The phrase «laboratory approaches» is intended in its broadest possible sense and includes any experimental work that offers insight into the sound structure of Spanish. This may include, but is not limited to, data from phonetic, perception, language acquisition, psycholinguistic, and speech disorder studies.

Abstracts should not exceed one-page in length, should be in Times (New Roman)12pt font, with 1″ margins. A second page for references may be included. Two electronic copies (PDF format) must be provided, including one anonymous version. On a separate sheet, please include the following information:
– author’s name
– affiliation
– mailing address
– e-mail address and
– fax number

Abstracts can be submitted electronically at:

Submission Deadline: February 28, 2010

(Fuente: The Linguist List)

Arena Romanistica

Arena Romanistica welcomes contributions for our next issue where we will focus on professional communication and terminology in Romance languages. New questions have been raised while many fundamental problems are still unresolved in this subject field. We would like this issue to reflect the current tendencies of research from theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives. Topics can be, but not limited to, the following:
–       term variation, motivation and other linguistic features
–       indeterminacy and vagueness
–       knowledge representation and communication
–       technology and databases
–       domain loss and language planning

of professional communication within Romance Languages as well as between Romance languages and other languages of any specialized field, from hard science to humanities, biomedical sciences to different crafts, law to business administration, etc. Metareflections on professional communication and terminology are also highly welcomed.

For our open section we also welcome contributions related to philology, linguistics, literature and culture in Romance languages.

Deadline for submission of papers: 1 February 2010
Stylesheet and submission procedures are available at our website:
For further information: or visit our webpage.

(Fuente: The linguist list)

Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies

Fechas: 06-Oct-2010 – 08-Oct-2010
Lugar: Hamburg, Germany
Web Site:

The Collaborative Research Centre on Multilingualism at the University of Hamburg will be hosting an International Conference on «Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies», which will be held from October 6 – 8, 2010.

The conference will focus on the following topics:
– multilingual acquisition
– multilingual communities and multilingual communication
– linguistic variation
– language contact
– language attrition
– linguistic minorities
– educational challenges in multilingual societies
– multilingual language corpora

We invite proposals for: colloquia/workshops, individual papers, and posters on the topics listed above. Abstracts should be submitted in electronic form. The deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2010. All abstracts will be peer reviewed.

Information concerning the required structure of the abstracts and proposals as well as the relevant submission procedure can be found on the conference website (

A selection of papers will be published in the conference volume «Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies» in the Series Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism (John Benjamins, Amsterdam).

Invited Speakers:
– Ingrid Gogolin (University of Hamburg)
– Jürgen M. Meisel (Universities of Hamburg & Calgary)
– Peter Svenonius (University of Tromsoe)
– Donald Winford (Ohio State University)

Submissions will be accepted from December 1, 2009 until February 15, 2010.

XXV Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Lingüistas

XXV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas

10, 11 y 12 de marzo de 2010, Valladolid, España.

La Comisión Organizadora se complace en anunciar el Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas (XXV Encuentro), que tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Valladolid del 10 al 12 de marzo de 2010.

En el marco de dicho Congreso, se  celebrarán tres sesiones plenarias a cargo de los siguientes conferenciantes:

  • Dr. D. José Antonio Pascual
  • Dr. D. Teun A. van Dijk
  • Dr. D. Manuel García Teijeiro

El objetivo de este Congreso es dar la oportunidad a estudiantes de todos los niveles de presentar sus investigaciones e intercambiar opiniones con otros estudiantes y profesores. De este modo, invitamos a participar en este Congreso a todos los jóvenes investigadores que trabajen en diferentes campos de la Lingüística. Asimismo, recordamos que solo los NO DOCTORES pueden presentar sus trabajos en este congreso. Por ende, no se aceptarán las autorías o co-autorías que impliquen a doctores.

Los resúmenes pueden ser enviados únicamente por vía electrónica, a través de la dirección de correo indicada al final de este documento. Los comunicantes podrán presentar sus trabajos en la lengua que prefieran. No obstante, los resúmenes deberán adjuntar necesariamente una traducción al español o al inglés. También se deberá enviar un documento con cinco palabras claves en ambos idiomas. Esto es, en la lengua de la comunicación y en español o inglés. Los resúmenes no pueden sobrepasar las 250 palabras. El formato deberá ser el siguiente:

  • La medida de los márgenes será de 2,5 cms.
  • El espaciado interlineal será sencillo.
  • El tipo y el tamaño de letra será Times New Roman de 12 puntos.
  • Se utilizará SILDoulos IPA93 para los símbolos fonéticos.
  • Podrán incluirse un máximo de cinco referencias bibliográficas.

Cada comunicación tendrá una duración máxima de 30 minutos (20 de exposición más 10 de debate).

Los trabajos deberán incluirse en alguno de los siguientes campos de la lingüística:

  • Análisis del discurso
  • Dialectología
  • Fonética y fonología
  • Fraseología
  • Lexicografía y lexicología
  • Lingüística aplicada
  • Lingüística clínica
  • Lingüística histórica
  • Morfología
  • Pragmática
  • Psicolingüística
  • Semántica
  • Sintaxis
  • Sociolingüística
  • Tipología lingüística
  • Traducción
  • Otros

Fecha límite para la presentación de resúmenes: 15 de diciembre de 2009

Fecha límite para la confirmación de la aceptación o rechazo de la propuesta de comunicación: 15 enero de 2010

Una vez seleccionados los resúmenes, se comunicará a los autores el resultado y se darán las normas de edición para el posterior artículo, que no deberá superar las 10 páginas y deberá entregarse el día de la ponencia.

Para más información:

Teléfonos de contacto:
983 42 30 00 (ext. 67 66) (Beatriz)
983 42 30 00 (ext. 67 56) (Ana)
983 42 30 00 (ext. 68 81) (Victoria o José Pablo)
983 42 30 00 (ext. 67 36) (Paula)
983 18 67 37 (Sofía)

983 18 67 37

43rd Annual Meeting Societas Linguistica Europaea

Fecha: 02-Sep-2010 – 05-Sep-2010
Lugar: Vilnius, Lithuania

SLE meetings give a forum to high-quality scientific research from all (sub)domains of linguistics. Every year local organizers pay special attention to one specific topic. Though the next annual meeting particularly welcomes papers on ‘Language Contact: at the Crossroads of Disciplines and Frameworks’, workshops, posters and individual papers are invited on topics belonging to all fields of linguistics.

Registration will start from 1 April 2010 onwards. SLE 2010 keeps the SLE 2009 conference fees (see our website).  Become a member of the Societas Linguistica Europaea and get a discount.
Important Dates:
15 November 2009: deadline for submission of workshop proposals
1 January 2010: deadline for submission of poster and paper abstracts
31 March 2010: notification of acceptance
1 April 2010: early registration starts
1 June 2010: registration (full fee)

Plenary Speakers:
Bas Aarts (London)
Balthasar Bickel (Leipzig)
Hubert Cuyckens (Leuven)
Masja Koptjevskaja-Tamm (Stockholm)
Tania Kuteva (Duesseldorf)
Vladimir Plungian (Moscow)

(Fuente: The Linguist List)

Minority Languages and the Social Web

Minority languages have drawn the attention of sociolinguistic studies for the past two decades and continue to be interesting not only for the
specialized linguist but also for the general public. At the beginning of the 21st century minority languages have been given a powerful tool for
intercommunication and dissemination for the up-to-then scarcely available knowledge:  the World Wide Web.

Besides »classical» websites supporting a closed format, the introduction of new collaborative and dialogical web types like forums, blogs and wikis, as well as video and photo sharing platforms, have triggered the use of minority languages on the Net.

The volume that will be edited by the Mikroglottika research group and published by major academic editor Peter Lang will tackle the linguistic implications of the so called Web 2.0 or Social Web for minority languages. Theoretical and practical contributions to the volume are welcomed:

1) Theoretical papers can expose methodical aspects on how to conduct research and describe the importance of interactive web communication for minority languages, as well as analyze a possible adaptation of existing linguistic theories to the description of the Social Web to these languages.
2) Practical contributions should concentrate on a specific language. Specially welcomed will be case studies describing language use in forums, blogs, wikis and video or photo sharing platforms.

More information about deadlines and style sheet:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Raúl Sánchez Prieto (

(fuente: The Linguist List)

Ausiàs March al segle XXI

Ausiàs March al segle XXI es el título de unas Jornadas de investigación, coordinadas por el profesor Josep Pujol (UAB), que se celebrarán los días 17 y 18 de diciembre de 2009. Reúnen a algunos de los mejores especialistas en March y la filología catalana. Más información AQUÍ.

VI Congreso Internacional Lyra Minima (1ª circular)

Alan D. Deyermond in Memoriam

La tradición poética occidental: usos y formas

VI Congreso Internacional de “Lyra Minima”

(San Millán de la Cogolla, 10 al 23 de octubre de 2010)

Organizado por Cilengua e Instituto Biblioteca Hispánica