2011 LOT Summer School

Leuven (Belgium), 13-24 June, 2011



The school provides introductory and advanced graduate training in linguistics, with 18 courses in different domains, spread over two weeks. Courses are two hours per day, for five days, and can be taken for partial credit (without paper) or full credit (with submission of a paper after the course). The course syllabi and timetable will soon be available on this website and on the website of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. We already list the course subjects and their teachers

WEEK 1 (13-17 June 2011)

Syntax: Liliane Haegeman (Gent)
Psycholinguistics: Carlos Acuña Fariña (Santiago de Compostela)
Statistics: Dirk Speelman (Leuven)
Language evolution: Bart de Boer (University of Amsterdam)
Neurolinguistics:  Laurie Stowe (Groningen)
Contrastive Linguistics: Volker Gast (Jena)
Philogenetics: Loretta O’Connor (Radboud, Nijmegen)
Typology: Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig)
Language Use: Kurt Feyaerts (Leuven)

WEEK 2 (20-24 June 2011)

Semantics: Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford/Konstanz)
Phonology/Phonetics: Marc van Oostendorp (Leiden)
Computational linguistics: Antal van den Bosch (Tilburg)
Bilingualism: Ad Backus (Tilburg)
Sociolinguistics: James Walker (York University, Canada)
Language & Literature: Nigel Fabb (Strathclyde)
Historical Linguistics: Paul Kiparsky (Stanford)
Language Acquisition: Annick De Houwer (Erfurt)
Syntax-semantics interface: Lisa Cheng (Leiden)


In each week of the Summer School, there will be a welcoming reception, a poster session, an invited evening lecture and a restaurant dinner. The venue also offers several leisure and sporting facilities.

During the weekend in the middle of the Summer School, there will be a social program for the participants registered for both weeks.


Graduate students of the partner institutes of LOT can participate free of charge (tuition fees and accommodation). For other participants the tuition fees are € 175 for one week and € 300 for two weeks.

Accommodation (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) at the Summer School venue is offered for € 37 – € 42 per person per night, depending on the type of room.

Participants who are not staying at the Summer School venue can sign up for lunch and refreshments during the coffee breaks for € 100 per week.


Registration forms and other practical information will be made available on our website in March 2011.

If you are not a graduate student of LOT and you want to be sure of your participation and housing, please send a message to lotschool@arts.kuleuven.be mentioning your name and affiliation as well as the week(s) of interest as soon as possible.


The LOT school is being organized at La Foresta, a conference centre just outside Leuven (about 7 kilometers) in the middle of a forest. Leuven is a historical university town located 26 kilometers east of Brussels and is well connected with the rest of Belgium and neighboring countries.

From Brussels International Airport there is a direct train shuttle service to Leuven, which takes about 15 minutes. From the Leuven railway station, you can easily take a bus or a taxi to the venue.

Charleroi Airport («Brussels South») has a lot of RyanAir flights. From Charleroi there is a bus service to the railway station Brussel Zuid (Bruxelles Midi). From Brussels there are direct trains to Leuven (approx. 30 mins). You can consult the NMBS website for timetables.

Information about La Foresta can be found on the website. Additional information will be posted on our website in due course.

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