Dante y Francia desde el punto de vista del arte

Dante la Francia dal punto di vista dell’arte

Para el fascículo del año 2023, la revista «Dante e l’arte» propone indagar el particular éxito, vario y de larga duración, de los textos dantescos en las artes en Francias a través de los siglos.

«Il legame fra Dante e la cultura francese è presente sin dalla lettera dantesca stessa (con personaggi quali Alain de Lille, Sigier de Brabant, ecc), le tracce di apprezzamento di Dante in Francia esistono sia nella cultura scritta che in quella visiva, subito, sin dalla fine dal Medioevo, e fino ai giorni nostri. E’ proprio quest’ultima sfera, del patrimonio artistico visivo, che vogliamo indagare. Illustre fra tutti, certo, Gustave Doré e le sue incisioni, familiari ai lettori italiani e del mondo intero, ben oltre la Francia stessa.»

Más información en este ENLACE

Poste de Professeur des Universités en «Linguistique générale et dialectologie»

PR dialectologie – Fiche Galaxie

Full professor in «General Linguistics and Dialectology»
[official title: Professeur des Universités, see the information on Wikipedia:

• teaching : Department of Linguistics
• research: Laboratoire CNRS (UMR 7320) Bases, Corpus, Langage

progressive, starting at 2535 Euros per month
(after social contributions, before taxes)

· the job is published on the recruitment website of French higher education GALAXIE:

· deadline for application: March 30th
· job interview for shortlisted applicants: May 2015
· job starts on September 1st, 2015

· applicants must be habilitated (French: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR)
· applicants who are not habilitated or who are established in countries where this qualification does not exist undergo a specific application procedure that probes equivalent academic qualification; candidates in this situation, or candidates in need of any further information, please contact :

In France, work time is divided into 50% teaching and 50% research. Teaching duty is 192 hours a year (which comes down to around 6h a week during two 12 week semesters) and includes classes both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Both teaching and research are involved in the supervision of graduate work, namely of Ph.Ds.
Attached is the official job description that will be available on Galaxie, in French. Sufficient language skills in French are required since the successful candidate will have to teach in French. Also consider that administration and the job interview will be in French.

Bourses Fernand Braudel-IFER de recherche postdoctorale en sciences humaines et sociales

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme offre des bourses de recherche postdoctorale en sciences humaines et sociales d’une durée de 9 mois dans le cadre de son programme « Fernand Braudel-IFER » (International Fellowships for Experienced Researchers) :
– à l’intention de chercheurs étrangers pour effectuer des séjours de recherche en France
– à l’intention de chercheurs français pour effectuer des séjours de recherche dans des pays européens.

Prochaine date limite de dépôt de candidature : 31 octobre 2010

Plus d’informations ici : http://www.msh-paris.fr/recherche/bourses-de-recherche-post-doctorales/bourses-fernand-braudel-ifer/