Call for papers: Regional/minority language policies in the new milennium



(Vol. 37, No. 2, Jul-Dec 2011)

Special issue on:


Language policy can be defined as a system of measures regulating the influence of the state on the language functioning on its territory. There is a need therefore to distinguish clearly between state language, official language, national language and regional or minority languages and define their specific social roles to remove the legal ambiguity. It is necessary to distinguish between language policy as decision-making from language planning as implementation. For, policymaking has never been as arduous a task as the implementation part of it.

Problems may be manifold so far as realization of lofty pluralistic goals of the minority language laws is concerned, especially those associated with language attitudes, language and education, development of separate written forms or orthography and development of literacy programs, declining linguistic groups, penetration of English and/ or other majority language into the local and international linguistic practice, and issues of community languages, etc. To this, we may add the growing tendency of homogenisation enforced by development in general and spread of information technology in particular. Besides, the ascendancy and perceived threat of the English language, globalisation, concurrent processes of political integration and disintegration, and the current blossoming of regional identities and concomitant renaissance of minority languages are factors driving the present linguistic developments worldwide. National, cultural, and ethnic identities get carried along the languages, and therefore, population movement affecting the language situation has to be studied in this perspective of changing perceptions of collective and individual identities over the years. A possible solution to this problem may lie in the forecast oriented studies of the language situation and in the implementation of an adequate language policy. The possibility to forecast the advent of the language conflicts and the intentions to prevent aggravations of the national and language conflicts can perhaps improve the acceptance of language laws. The official policy in most parts of the world is generally connoted with the development of bilingualism. But, some think that bilingualism is only an intermediate stage on the way to national monolingualism. With these utopian ideas, it is difficult to eradicate the problem of acceptance of language laws.

Mobility, no matter what way, is bound to have a disruptive influence on the traditional pattern of life. Demographic shifts, as a consequence of globalisation, are likely to have an indelible impact on language maintenance so far as the regional and minority languages are concerned. Creation of a new social class of migrants, resettlers, and Gasterbeiter has added new questions to the problem of survival and maintenance of languages. The role of their language in the new environment may suffer a functional loss, but a strong linguistic allegiance makes it rather difficult to ignore the impact of their respective cultural habits and language behaviour on the existing sociolinguistic and cultural set up. Mobility and migration, therefore, creates new conditions of multilingualism. On the contrary, the majority of world population, though it is fed increasingly into towns, exist in rural areas, where the comparative isolation is a factor favourable to local and regional languages.

The emerging language situation and related problems of language maintenance worldwide are increasingly guided by the socio-economic factors. The situation of regional/ minority languages is likely to deteriorate further as their demand in the job-market is already none to negligible. The socio-economic variable, in the new millennium, adds a new dimension to the problem of language maintenance so far as the case of minority languages is concerned. The minority/ regional languages must therefore be investigated in connection with the way of thinking of a person, and not as an abstract system. The subject and responsibility of scholars and policy makers is the investigation of the language as well as of the social and personal factors, resolution of the contradictions and determination of the ways of the development of the dialogue of cultures.

Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJOAL), in its 35th year of publication, solicits submissions from scholars for its special thematic issue on “Regional/ Minority Language Policies in the New Millennium”. Original works on all minority and regional language related issues ranging from the problems of language planning, policies and implementation to the problems associated with other sociolinguistic variables, especially those emerging in the new millennium, are most welcome.

— The papers pertaining to the areas mentioned above should be submitted to the Guest Editor, on his e-mail <> with a copy of the same to the Editors on their e-mail as well.

— The last date of submission for the articles would be May 30, 2011.

— For your convenience, we made Guidelines for the preparation of Camera Ready Manuscripts and a Template file (click on the links to download).

Guest Editor
Dr. Alok K Das
Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(Formerly, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Singhania University & Dean,
Gurgaon College of Engineering)
E-mail: <>

Harpreet Kaur Bahri
Deepinder Singh Bahri
1749A/5, Govindpuri Extension
Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
E-mail: <>

Minority Languages and the Social Web

Minority languages have drawn the attention of sociolinguistic studies for the past two decades and continue to be interesting not only for the
specialized linguist but also for the general public. At the beginning of the 21st century minority languages have been given a powerful tool for
intercommunication and dissemination for the up-to-then scarcely available knowledge:  the World Wide Web.

Besides »classical» websites supporting a closed format, the introduction of new collaborative and dialogical web types like forums, blogs and wikis, as well as video and photo sharing platforms, have triggered the use of minority languages on the Net.

The volume that will be edited by the Mikroglottika research group and published by major academic editor Peter Lang will tackle the linguistic implications of the so called Web 2.0 or Social Web for minority languages. Theoretical and practical contributions to the volume are welcomed:

1) Theoretical papers can expose methodical aspects on how to conduct research and describe the importance of interactive web communication for minority languages, as well as analyze a possible adaptation of existing linguistic theories to the description of the Social Web to these languages.
2) Practical contributions should concentrate on a specific language. Specially welcomed will be case studies describing language use in forums, blogs, wikis and video or photo sharing platforms.

More information about deadlines and style sheet:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Raúl Sánchez Prieto (

(fuente: The Linguist List)

Vitality of a Minority Language

Full Title: Vitality of a Minority Language

Date: 15-Oct-2010 – 16-Oct-2010
Location: Bellinzona, Switzerland
Contact Person: Elena Maria Pandolfi Matteo Casoni
Meeting Email:
Web Site:

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2010

Meeting Description:

The congress aims at an in depth discussion of the parameters relevant to the evaluation of the degree of vitality of a minority language. Particular attention will be given to quantitative and qualitative indices that may be used for monitoring the ‘health condition’ of languages with a minority position in a country. The situation of the Italian language in Switzerland will be a special focus of interest.

The congress themes are:

A) Indices of a minority language vitality

(i) The concept of vitality index and its relevance for minority languages
(ii) Internal linguistic vitality
(iii) External sociolinguistic vitality
(iv) Methodology for quantitative measurements
(v) Methodology for qualitative measurements

B) Goals and aims of the researches on language vitality

(i) Sociolinguistic situation of a community and language vitality researches
(ii) Implications, effects and hints of the language vitality researches for a minority language protection and promotion

Call for Papers:

The congress program contemplates 8 invited presentations (40 minutes each) and a workshop with 8 papers selected through this Call for Papers.

Papers on general aspects concerning the Congress themes will be welcome but main attention should be devoted to the situation of Italian language in Swiss Confederation and to similar European comparable situations.


Researchers working on these topics are invited to send an abstract of about 500 words of their proposed paper. The abstracts should contain the paper title, the name of the author /authors, the postal and e-mail addresses, the thematic area and have to be sent to the e-mail address Abstracts received will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Committee.

Deadline to submit abstracts: 31st January 2010.

Deadline of notifications of acceptance/rejection: 30th March 2010

A small contribution to the expenses may be assigned to PhD students presenting an accepted paper or at least taking part to the congress. Interested PhD students are invited to send the application within 31st January 2010, along with the title of their PhD thesis and a presentation letter by their PhD professor.

Congress Languages: Italian, German, French and English

<small>Fuente: Infoling</small>

Convocatoria para Romanitas vol 4 número 2 – abril de 2010 Tema: Preservación, rescate y resucitación de idiomas

Hoy en día, muchos idiomas están en peligro de desaparición (Nettle, 2000). Debido al poder creciente de un número reducido de idiomas hablados por grandes grupos que gozan del prestigio social o controlan los recursos económicos, los idiomas “más pequeños” se desvanecen a velocidad acelerada. Crystal (2000) estima que solamente 600 de los más de 6,000 idiomas del mundo sobrevivirán la amenaza de extinción. La muerte de un idioma desconecta a un pueblo de su herencia cultural y resulta en la pérdida de la identidad comunitaria. La cultura dominante también se priva de una diversidad que constituye la fundación de la creatividad, la sabiduría y el cambio cultural de los seres humanos (Dalby, 2003; Harrison, 2007).

Afortunadamente los lingüistas, antropólogos, sociólogos, folkloristas, líderes indígenas y otros han aceptado el reto y están fomentando proyectos para dar marcha atrás a la decadencia de los idiomas (Hinton & Hale, 2001). Hay proyectos alrededor del mundo dedicados a concienciar a los hablantes del peligro que enfrentan sus idiomas, documentar los idiomas que están próximos a desaparecer, facilitar la readquisición y la resucitación de idiomas y apoyar los esfuerzos locales para establecer programas bilingües, programas de alfabetización y otras formas de rescate de idiomas.

Romanitas es una revista arbitrada de la Universidad de Puerto Rico publicada en línea en varios idiomas.  Se dedica al estudio de las lenguas, literaturas y culturas romances. El número especial de abril 2010 (el cual será publicado tanto en línea como en formato impreso) tiene como meta recoger y publicar artículos que informen sobre la preservación y resucitación de idiomas en comunidades del habla donde un idioma romance constituye un factor de estudios (e.g. América del Sur, América Central, América del Norte, el Caribe, Europa, las Islas Filipinas, África del Norte,  etc.). La lengua que se está rescatando puede ser una variedad romance o un idioma indígena amenazado por una lengua romance hegemónica.

Los artículos deben ser escritos en español, en francés, en portugués o en inglés. Favor de enviar las contribuciones (no más de 30 páginas incluyendo la bibliografía y los apéndices) en forma electrónica a la Dra. Alicia Pousada (Departamento de Inglés, UPR, Río Piedras) a: . Los manuscritos deben incluir un resumen en el idioma del artículo más otro en uno de los otros idiomas de publicación. Los autores deben seguir el protocolo de Romanitas que se encuentra en: . La fecha límite para enviar manuscritos es: el 30 de noviembre de 2009.


Crystal, D. (2000). Language Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dalby, A. (2003). Language in danger: The loss of linguistic diversity and the threat to our future. New York: Columbia University Press.

Harrison, K. D. (2007) When languages die: The extinction of the world’s languages and the erosion of human knowledge. New York & London: Oxford University Press.

Hinton, L. & Hale, K. (Eds.). (2001). The green book of language revitalization in practice. San Diego: Academic Press.

Nettle, D. & Romaine, S. (2000). Vanishing voices: The extinction of the world’s languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.